Kaapi Soda was crafted for the zing seekers.For the thirst quenchers.For the salt lovers ! And also for the ones who want to save their left over brews for later.

Our Kaapi Soda will be your choice of refreshment on a scorching noon or evening beverage after work.This quick and easy to assemble drink is all about a fizzy affair with an edge of caffeine and the tang of pink salt.

Serves -1


  • 6 Cubes of Ice
  • 60ml of Sugar syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan Salt
  • 45ml of Brewed Coffee decoction with Love Kaapi chicory grounds
  • 125 ml of Fresh Soda (Store bought)


Take a clear glass which can hold upto 350ml of liquid (water)

  • Place the cubes of ice. 
  • Pour all of the sugar syrup into the glass. 
  • Now add the brew.
  • Sprinkle the Himalayan salt over it.
  • Finish off by pouring the Fresh soda.
  • Let it fizz, stir gently and drink up.
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