Coffee Brewing and Painting for Beginners

Coffee Brewing and Painting for Beginners

It is well known that coffee brews creative juices, but did you know that you can paint your next masterpiece with coffee? While coffee has been enjoyed as a drink for many many years, coffee is also a potent, natural pigment that lends a beautiful color to any surface it touches or spills on, oops! So, by using watercolor techniques, coffee can be used as a unique media to create stunning landscape paintings.

Coffee painting can be a great way to try new techniques of painting. Painting with coffee can push your creativity and your artistic skills. As you gradually build on the different shades to create the desired effect it paints a pretty picture, quite literally. It is also an eco-friendly and sustainable art form. Now, if you are wondering whether the coffee painting smells like a freshly pulled shot of espresso (oh! how we wish) we are sorry to disappoint you. 

Considering that we live in a fast paced world where we barely get time to ourselves, painting can surely be the best way to destress. With step by step instructions from an artist and all materials provided - this process can be way more fun and easy for everyone to try, even if it’s the first time holding a brush!

We, at Love, Kaapi are looking to create unique coffee experiences for our community of coffee lovers. Hence we have joined hands with Paint Bar to bring together the art of brewing coffee with creating a painting with coffee. At this workshop we will not only brew Love, Kaapi’s coffee grounds using the French Press, Aeropress and Mokapot, but we will also explore slow brewing with the quintessential South Indian Filter and try our hands at Cold Brewing 100% Pure Arabica Coffee Grounds. After which, we will dip our paint brushes in coffee and let the brush strokes create magic on canvas while sipping on our signature Vietnamese Cold Coffee! 

A monochromatic, one-of-a-kind coffee painting can be the perfect addition to your coffee nook at home. Come, join us on June 11, 2023 at Paint Bar Bangalore for a therapeutic experience of  brewing some coffee and painting with it. We will be looking forward to seeing you! 

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